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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, 02 April at 18:43
Bonds just became a lot more interest-ing!

In real life bonds are one of the most used investment strategies used by investors. However I noticed that Businessgame players usually ignore this nice and interesting part of the game.


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By KingIsulgard, 14 February at 12:47
Improved shipments page

I have changed the information on the shipments page. Instead of showing the total value of the shipment it will now shows when the shipment will be handled and how long handling will take.

This wa...

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By KingIsulgard, 01 January at 14:40
Happy New Year

Hello fellow investors!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and Best Wishes!

To celebrate everyone has been awarded a New Year's gift of 25 game coins!

Enjoy the coins!


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By KingIsulgard, 10 September at 18:41
New round tonight

After the result of the voting I have decided to start a new round at 9 PM GMT+1.

This will create a fair game for all who lost production due to the week long bug.

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By KingIsulgard, 09 September at 21:11
Production issue resolved

The bug that was causing the production of many players to lock has been resolved.

Due to me being abroad, without access to a computer, I wasn't able to resolve it sooner.

Everything should be...

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By KingIsulgard, 31 August at 23:57
Paying a tax advance just got a lot more interesting

Paying taxes in advance is always a smart move. You don't end up with a suprised overdraft at midnight. You don't have to keep it in mind when buying new assets or increasing your business size, but m...

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By KingIsulgard, 25 August at 10:13
Rewarding Wikia users

Our Wikia has been growing rapidly and strongly since it's creation and already contains a lot of valuable information thanks to help ful users such as yourself.

To better suit the content I have ...

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By KingIsulgard, 14 May at 14:41
Trolleys for everyone!

Having a slow day? Not anymore!

I'm introducing a small game changer.

The processing speed of all loading docks have been doubled. Permanently!
This means double to shipping speed for the same ...

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By KingIsulgard, 07 May at 22:32
Keep track of your production history

Many of you might have suffered the annoyance of not knowing what happened while you were away.
Even worse is coming back to your factory, noticing your employees are just hanging around, not doing m...

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By KingIsulgard, 02 May at 20:11
Round restarted

Due to a lot of bugs with production causing issues with the companies of many players I have decided to redo the reset while it's still early. The production bugs have been resolved and every part of...

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Showing page 2 of 47.


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