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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Tue 2 Apr 2019 18:43
Bonds just became a lot more interest-ing!

In real life bonds are one of the most used investment strategies used by investors. However I noticed that Businessgame players usually ignore this nice and interesting part of the game.

Realizing that the yield of the bonds is quite low compared to producing goods, I decided to change the bond system.

That's why I'm introducing a wider variety of different bonds in the game. Not only have the bond yields increased drastically, there is now also a lot more choice to tailor to anyone's needs!

The old bonds have been removed and been replaced with 42 different new, and more profitable bonds.

You can now take out a bond valued at 10K or at 250K over the spands of 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 60 days or even a perpetual one that lasts forever. I've created 5 types of bonds: plain vanilla bonds, premium bonds, discount bonds, zero coupon bonds and perpetual bonds.

More information about the bonds and their yields can be found on the bonds wikia.

Enjoy, and happy investing!

View all 6 comments
KingIsulgard  02 April at 22:07
Has been corrected now.
Should be 1.25K and 1.5K now.
KingIsulgard  02 April at 18:48
PS: The bonds you already bought will remain unchanged and will remain the same till the end of the round or till they expire.
AbcBonds1  02 April at 19:19
I dont understand how $200 is worth more than $1k daily on the forever bond
KingIsulgard  02 April at 22:07
Has been corrected now.
Should be 1.25K and 1.5K now.


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