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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Fri 25 Aug 2017 10:13
Rewarding Wikia users

Our Wikia has been growing rapidly and strongly since it's creation and already contains a lot of valuable information thanks to help ful users such as yourself.

To better suit the content I have been restructuring the Wikia and created a cleaner menu. Sadly some pages are incomplete or some important information could be added to make the Wikia the strong tool it could be for all new and experienced users alike.

To promote the Wikia editing I am going to reward users who help write the Wikia. If you write some pages or make great edits you'll be awarded free donatorship for the next round + coins, as if you donated 15 euros. When you reach 100 editing points you are entitled to claim your reward.

The Wikia is free to be edited by anyone, no account is required. But if you want to claim a free donatorship you'll have to register.

Thank you all very much for your help!


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1 herbie2000
2 Yoda
3 algreeno
4 Kaibaman
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6 Jakob
7 Mistermini
8 Nunya
9 catboi457
10 Mikkelmoes

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