A new round has started, this is the perfect opportunity for you to steal rank 1!
Businessgame wishes you all a Merry Christmas!
A Christmas present has been left on your doorstep :).
Chrismas is around the corner so don't forget to tune your smiley pack to chrismassy!
Greetings Everyone!
I'm proud to see how devoted our Businessgame players are in our Businessgame community.
Wildjap has completed the initial Alpha version of the Businessgame Production Manage...
Even though we at businessgame do out very best every day to show our members we care about them we are going to show our appreciation even more on that special day.
From now on you will receive an...
I added a new chat command "whois". This will return the name of the user who is on a specific rank.
So if you type "/whois 1" you will get the user who is on rank 1.
The new message system is a hybrid of a chat and a message system. You are now able to have personal chats with other members but also send longer messages. It will show the conversations as one long thread.
I have integrated a chat /help command which will get you started with our new chat system commands.
I have implemented a write offs system which depreciates your fixed assets in time. The value of your assets will be accounted as a small costs on a daily basis, this way reducing taxes.
I have fixed some dead page errors. When logging out for example, logging out went okay, but you were redirect to a wrong link. These issues should be a problem of the past now. Anyway, since I have e...