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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 21 Mar 2021 22:49
More production with construction

An entire type of new product has been added to the game together with lots of new products and industries!
Most of the new products and industries are part of the construction sector. This will allow the construction of new industries to become more detailed in the future.

These new construction materials also allow the introduction of new industries that couldn't be added before, such as Hydropower plants and Geothermal power plants, since those mainly require lots of concrete, steel, and cement.

The following products have been added:
- Clay (Ores)
- Limestone (Ores)
- Bricks (Construction materials)
- Cement (Construction materials)
- Concrete (Construction materials)
- Pottery (Consumer products)
- Excavators (Machinery)
- Mining trucks (Machinery)

These industries have been introduced
- Hydropower plant (Utilities)
- Geothermal power plant (Utilities)
- Clay pit (Mining)
- Limestone quarry (Mining)
- Pottery factory (Manufacturing)
- Pottery store (Retail)
- Bricks factory (Manufacturing)
- Cement factory (Manufacturing)
- Batching plant (Manufacturing)
- Mining truck assembly (Engineering)
- Excavators assembly (Engineering)


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