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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Wed 8 Jul 2020 18:52
Game rebalancing and more!

Hello all,

I have been quite busy rebalancing the game. After revising all product prices, all the industries have to be rebalanced as well. Since I had to do all of them I wrote a new configuration tool for the admins, which should hasten the process.

While writing this new tool, I came up with a new way to set ROI for industries. Not only have I increased the default ROI of industries, but the complexity and cost of the industry will now have an impact as well. A more expensive industry, or an industry with more input requirements, will have a higher return on investment.

The new configuration tool will also make it easier to add additional sectors and industries in the future, enabling the game to not only scale in complexity, but also in diversity.

But it gets more exciting. A whole new slew of industries and products have been introduced, together with a new sector.
The following products have been added:
- Sheep
- Wool
- Cotton
- Clothes
- Furniture
- Drugs
- Computers
- Tablets
- Phones
- TVs

The products can be produced with the following industries:
- Sheep farm
- Cotton farm
- Clothes factory
- Furniture factory
- Pharmaceuticals plant
- Electronics factory

This whole new array of consumer products are not only to be sold on the regular market as before but can also be sold using the new Retail sector's industries:
- Supermarket
- Pharmacist
- Furniture store
- Fashion store
- Electronic store
- Gas station

This new type of industries all have inputs, but no outputs. In return, they generate a fixed revenue each turn. I'm sure this new type of sector will add a lot of power to your existing business setups!

Due to the high impact and the many changes to the game, Businessgame was down for the week. We will return on Friday the 10th at 16:00 PM UTC time. (Which is 18:00 server time.)

Just a little bit more patience, and hope to see you soon!



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