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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 11 Jul 2016 23:40
Farming and forestry

I'm glad to announce to you all a new upcoming industry: Farming and Forestry.

At the moment, the industry only contains the forestry sectors "Tree farm" and "Sawmill".

All existing Christmas tree farms have been converted to regular tree farms.

The tree farm and sawmill have been revised and now have different in and outputs as well as different fixed and employee costs.

From now on the wood cycle got a little bit longer. Tree farms grow trees, which produce Timber, this Timber can be converted to Wood in a Sawmill. The wood can be used to build Pallets and Sledges.

However farming sectors will follow soon. Which will all be low tech and cheap, which will make them ideal for new beginning players.

On a side note: The seasonal sectors will be removed in the next round.

KingIsulgard  12 July at 0:36
Those of you who have Sawmills and now suddenly rely on Timber, have been given free Tree farms. (At least 75% of the amount of Sawmills)
KingIsulgard  12 July at 0:36
Those of you who have Sawmills and now suddenly rely on Timber, have been given free Tree farms. (At least 75% of the amount of Sawmills)


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