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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 2 Apr 2016 11:57
Reduced taxes

Usually when Congress meets, taxes go up.
Not today!

The long ignored voice of the people has been heard and taxes have been revised.

The 70% and 80% tax bracket have been omitted.
For donators who already only had a maximum bracket of 60%, there has also been a revision.

Instead of less tax brackets, you'll get different limits per tax bracket, causing you to pay less taxes on the same amount of earnings.

Check out the new tax rates!
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View all 6 comments
Mikkelmoes  03 April at 9:06
Alright, thank you! :-D
feloj  02 April at 11:59
KingIsulgard  02 April at 12:07
My pleasure :)
Mikkelmoes  03 April at 9:06
Alright, thank you! :-D


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