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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 20 Mar 2016 13:57
Voting is back up!

You should now be able to vote again on Businessgame.be through the voting sites.

Since the voting system had issues with the HTTPS security, voting will now occur on the non-secured http://vote.businessgame.be (It's advised to only use this sub-domain for voting)

It might occur that the vote.businessgame.be sub-domain keeps redirecting to HTTPS. In that case, you will have to clear the HSTS record in your browser for businessgame.be. I had created this record to boost site speed.

To find out how to do this look here: http://classically.me/blogs/how-clear-hsts-settings-major-browsers
The process is very simple and you will only have to do this once.

You will probably also have to clear your browser cache to make the session valid across subdomains, since I also had to change the session system, you might still be logged in with an old session.

I hope this is not too much of a problem for most of you. Anyway, you got your extra daily income back ;).

Happy voting!


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