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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 13 Dec 2015 18:12
Promote or demote your board members

Some of you had mentioned problems with accepting new recruits in their conglomerates. I was fully aware of this problem but want to postpone releasing the new script until I also successfully implemented a new system to manage your board members.

I have resolved the issues concerning member management of the conglomerates. You should now be able to accept and deny join requests. But additionally I added the functionality to promote, demote and delete Board Members from the conglomerate.

There are now 3 ranks within the conglomerate. Chairman, Vice Chairman and Board Member. Promoting a Board Member to Vice Chairman will allow him to help you out managing the Board Members of your Conglomerate. He will be able to accept or deny join requests, promote other Board Members to Vice Chairman as well as delete Board Members from the conglomerate.

A Vice Chairman can not delete other Vice Chairmen and the Chairman himself.

Keep in mind that there can only be ONE Chairman at the same time, so promoting a Vice Chairman to Chairman will also result in [u]your OWN demotion to Vice Chairman[/u]!

Happy teaming up!

View all 8 comments
KingIsulgard  13 December at 19:58
If you guys have any more problems, better post them here since the current messaging system is not working.
Andelbeek  09 January at 11:54
Ik produceer niet wat ik zou moeten hebben, heb alles in voorraad
Andelbeek  09 January at 12:06
Wie kan me helpen?
KingIsulgard  08 February at 22:06
Make sure you have all the required input, also the input you produce yourself.


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