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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 30 Oct 2014 9:03
Lower taxes

Dear citizens of the businessgame empire.

As your generous leader I have decided that due to successful thinning of the governmental apparatus we can afford to lower our income revenue generated from federal taxes.

Therefore we have not only increased the tax bracket limits, which will require you to make more profit to get to the same tax bracket, but we have also omitted the dreaded last tax bracket of 90%.

Yes that is right my fellow citizens, the highest tax bracket is, from now on, "only" 80%.

Since I know that your time is of the highest value, I will keep this announcements short. You can skim through this technical information below before you get back to your daily affairs of managing and investing.

Old tax brackets
Tax free up to 50,000
10% from 50,000 up to 100,000
20% from 100,000 up to 250,000
30% from 250,000 up to 500,000
40% from 500,000 up to 1,000,000
50% from 1,000000 up to 5,000,000
60% from 5,000,000 up to 20,000,000
70% from 20,000,000 up to 100,000,000
80% from 100,000,000 up to 250,000,000
90% 250,000,000 and up

New tax brackets
Tax free up to 100,000
10% from 100,000 up to 250,000
20% from 250,000 up to 500,000
30% from 500,000 up to 1,000,000
40% from 1,000,000 up to 5,000,000
50% from 5,000,000 up to 20,000,000
60% from 20,000,000 up to 100,000,000
70% from 100,000,000 up to 250,000,000
80% 250,000,000 and up

Note: Also for donators the last tax bracket of 70% is omitted.


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