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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Wed 22 Oct 2014 22:39
Moved to a new server

Due to the recent growth of this fantastic, mind blowing, exhilarating and very addictive game (am I overselling this? :) naahhh), we were obliged to move to a faster and more powerful private server.

I'm just as addicted to this game as you, so I hated it too to see the site go offline for a few hours but we knew from the start this would happen at some point.

But now I'm happy to announce to you all that we are back in business faster and more powerful than ever!


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1 herbie2000
2 Yoda
3 algreeno
4 Kaibaman
5 alphonse
6 Jakob
7 Mistermini
8 Nunya
9 catboi457
10 Mikkelmoes

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