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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 20 Feb 2014 23:46
Is this the end of the nuclear industry?

Although the exact source of the discovered dumped nuclear waste is still unknown but all clues point to the nuclear industry. The soaring prices of radioactive waste have pushed malicious companies to take nuclear waste for so called storage but end up dumping it in public locations.

The spokesman of the Clearn world Initiative, James Quinckx, has started lobbying to outlaw public trading of radioactive waste. Which would end the free buying and selling of the product.

As a result of the last news the price of radioactive waste has slightly increased for a brief period of time.

View all 8 comments
KingIsulgard  22 February at 14:51
Prices are back to normal :). The unbalance of the price was not enough to make it lucrative to buy and sell later since the price difference was less than 10% :D. (and there is
2 times 5% transaction costs when trading on market)
BabyKangaroo  22 February at 16:34
yey ^_^
KeesVLM  22 February at 21:59
Yeah, they keep telling us that, but you don't really believe it, do you? They're manipulating the numbers!
--Conspiracy News
KingIsulgard  25 February at 11:51
The gommint catn noz be trusteed!


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