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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Tue 18 Feb 2014 19:09
Public health in danger?

Park officials made a horrible discovery Monday morning in one of our residential public parks. Around 7 AM they stumbled upon large amounts of dumped radioactive waste.

James Quinckx, the spokesman of the Public health organization 'Clean World Initiative', had this to say about the discovery. "This is outrageous! Luckily the first ones to make the discovery where park officials. Parks are supposed to be a safe place for children to play. We of the CWI will do everything we can to stop these kinds of horrors against humanity." CWI is known for their huge investments in the development of green technology and fierce political lobbying.

Officials have opened an investigation but were not available for comments.

Paper: http://nl.tinypic.com/r/140gsie/8

KeesVLM  18 February at 22:54
Indeed... We need these children to grow-up healthy, because healthier workers are more productive... And if there is one thing I won't stand for it is a lack of productivity in my factories!
KingIsulgard  19 February at 15:11
lol ^^, You are a tough one


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