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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 15 Feb 2014 19:55
Readjustment of the Finance system

Pssst hey you...yes I'm talking to you, tax payer, it's Daniel, -your financial adviser-, here.

Is it safe to talk?... Yes? Good.

I got some secret intel. Apparently the goverment had some hiccup with the financial computer systems at the ministry of Finances. There are rumors of dropping all taxes for the upcoming tax collection. Make sure to get as much profits in the current taxable day.

This thing is still secret so you don't know it from me.

KeesVLM  15 February at 22:22
haha cool, nicely done
BabyKangaroo  16 February at 12:47
this is great ^_^


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