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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Tue 21 Jan 2014 14:38
Choose your storage system

I have added yet another feature to the game which I'm sure you guys (and girls) will love.

As your company grows and reaches a total value over 600,000 euros, you will unlock an extra ingame feature allowing you to tweak your storage system. There are 3 types of systems, each with their own advantages and disadvantages resulting in different warehouse sizes en loading dock efficiency.

By default you are using chaotic allocation, but if you are applying the "just in time" economic strategy, where you try to keep your supply as low as possible, you might like to prefer a numerical allocation where your goods are processed faster but your warehouses are smaller.

You can change the system as often as you want, when you want.

Triad  21 January at 17:46
Congrats !
KeesVLM  22 January at 5:00
This is a fantastic feature, however I am quite spoiled by the previous screen format where I didn't have to scroll down to check my current inventory. Could the storage options be made to where they can collapse or soeme
KingIsulgard  23 January at 11:02
Making it collapsible is not my favorite solution but I'll see what I can do. I'm planning on redesigning the storage system anyway. Making it more intuitive and clear, like the new sector pages.
KeesVLM  23 January at 23:27
Sure, that makes sense... I'm just a lazy American who doesn't like having to scroll down, LOL
KingIsulgard  25 January at 11:58


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