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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 30 Dec 2013 13:30
Rank medals

Many of you have been hoping for such a feature to be added. I'm happy to finally announce that the long-awaited rank medals are here!

Whenever you have ended with a top 3 rank, this will be displayed on your profile in the form of a medal, making it easier to brag to your friends about your entrepreneurial skills.

Note: If you ever changed your username, the archives might have lost track of your old rankings. So if you notice in the hall of fame that one of your end ranks is still being displayed with your old username, thus not being properly linked with your account, please let me know and I'll link it to your account as soon as possible. This is required to display the correct amount of medals you deserve.

meerweten  30 December at 16:12
can't you add a top 10 marking to, not a medal just a picture saying top10?
KingIsulgard  30 December at 18:29
Lol, you never made it to a top 3 I guess :P. What do you mean with a picture? You mean like a top 10 medal or something? Or a top 5 medal?


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Top 10

1 herbie2000
2 Yoda
3 algreeno
4 Kaibaman
5 alphonse
6 Jakob
7 Mistermini
8 Nunya
9 catboi457
10 Mikkelmoes

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