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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 26 Dec 2013 13:29
Categorized market

Due to the introduction of many new products over the past few weeks, the market page has become cluttered and unorganized, making purchases a hassle. To make the market more clear I have introduced product categories.

Hopefully this will yet again improve your overall businessgame experience.

Suggestions/concerns about category names, product assigned to which category, product ideas and so on can be directed to one of our highly motivated admins and moderaters or be discussed in the shoutbox.

KingIsulgard  26 December at 13:34
Special thanks to meerweten for bringing up this issue.
meerweten  27 December at 20:20
No Problemo!
it was more for myself than for the game but if it helps the game it helps me so :p
KingIsulgard  30 December at 13:38
Well, those kind of suggestions improve the game a lot.


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