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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 7 Sep 2013 18:09
Expected taxes included in rankings

One of our members, Silverswan, have brought to my attention that a way to avoid the heavy fluctuations in the rankings around tax hour was to include the taxes in the rank calculation.

From now on an estimate of the current expected taxes to be paid at the end of the day are included in the rankings calculation. This way the taxes won't bash your rank as much as they used to and your growth indicator won't be negative at the beginning of the day but give a rather more realistic overview of your growth.

I would like to thank all you guys for your suggestions which makes this game better and better. I have had a lot of very useful input lately, as well minor suggestions as major. But the little things are just as valuable, perhaps even more.

With your compassion we can make this game big and give it the popularity it deserves!


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1 herbie2000
2 Yoda
3 algreeno
4 Kaibaman
5 alphonse
6 Jakob
7 Mistermini
8 Nunya
9 catboi457
10 Mikkelmoes

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