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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Wed 21 Aug 2013 10:35
Speed gifts

I'm about to launch the very first speed gift. A speed gift is a small gift, like 250 XP or 5,000 euro or something similar which is given out via a link you have to click. This link will be published via our Facebook page, Twitter feed and in our shoutbox.

Why is it a "speed" gift? Because the gift can only be claimed by the first X (depends on the gift) players who click the link. So if you are too slow you might miss it!

For now this speed gift is still being given out manually, but in the future this will be an automated process on random times. So keep an eye on our Facebook page and twitter feed, or just hang around in our shoutbox because you might miss out!


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1 herbie2000
2 Yoda
3 algreeno
4 Kaibaman
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6 Jakob
7 Mistermini
8 Nunya
9 catboi457
10 Mikkelmoes

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