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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 9 Feb 2013 13:54
Bot Race has started

The Bot Race has started and will last for 2 days.

Automated playing will be allowed for 2 days on separate accounts with a username starting with "Bot". Everyone will start from scratch on the same time and have 2 days to make their company as big as possible.

If you think you have the skills to write a bot, be sure to join in because the best Bot player will get a 15,000 XP price on his main account.

If you want to join in, send me a PM, username: TheTaxMan

After this race a new system will be launched which will stop automated playing.

KingIsulgard  09 February at 13:56
Please be aware that we do not allow automated playing on regular accounts such as described in the rules


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