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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 27 Jan 2013 19:38
Bot Race

Businessgame is constantly evolving and working hard to bring new features but also get security up. I'm planning on doing some heavy updates to stop automated players. In the meanwhile I suggest we have some fun.

We are having a bot race from the 9th of February till the 11th.

Automated playing will be allowed for 2 days on separate accounts with a username starting with "Bot". Everyone will start from scratch on the same time and have 2 days to make their company as big as possible.

If you think you have the skills to write a bot, be sure to join in because the best Bot player will get a 15,000 XP price on his main account.

If you want to join in, send me a PM, username: KingIsulgard

This race will help me getting a better picture of how automated players work and how to fight them.

KingIsulgard  27 January at 23:32
Send me a message if you are interested.


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