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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 1 Jul 2012 11:05
Postponed end of round

I have pushed the ending of this round back for a week since I will be on vacation and will not be able to start the new round. So it will reset the week after.

KingIsulgard  11 July at 15:04
I'm back from holidays :)
Reki  12 July at 15:13
I can't get into the shoutbox, so I'll try to get the message via here. Kaspersky Internet Security claims that the entire website consist of Trojan programmes since this morning (yesterday was fine), I don't know whether it's because of an update of Kaspersky or the website. Just to give you a heads up ;-)
KingIsulgard  12 July at 19:54
Yes the website is doing weird all of a sudden for me too. I'll check it out.
KingIsulgard  12 July at 20:07
There is a virus on the server, I have informed the host, we are working on it. All I can do for now is upload all the files again when the problem reoccurs.


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