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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 18 Mar 2012 16:02
Game has restarted

The past week we have been busy maintaining our new system.
With the help of our enthousiastic players we managed to balance it out.

To give everyone a fair chance of becoming the ultimate investor this round
we have reset everyone.

So let's start turning that money into more money!

Skyline91  18 March at 16:04
Is the game always going to reset after a week? It's just not fun when you have to start all over again and again and again every round. :|
KingIsulgard  18 March at 16:16
No, no, not at all. I just did some major changes to the game and still had to balance the game. That's why this round was really short. Normally I only reset this game every 8 weeks.
Skyline91  18 March at 16:20
Ok, but even so, it means that the game is resetting every once in a while? Cause it's a fun game, but even if it's for a long period, I don't like to lose my progress ^^ .
zillapup  18 March at 16:51
Do numbers have an end? We would have to build a computer to build computers to keep up with this crew!
KingIsulgard  19 March at 14:49
No they don't have an end, but I'm trying to find new ways to stop top players from growing exponentially.


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