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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Fri 13 Jan 2012 0:31
Revised warehouse level system

I have revised the way the warehouse level affects the warehouse size. Now every level your warehouse size will increase 10% from the base size, and not from the current size as it used to be. This will be more clear to use. Also the level will now start at 0 instead of level 1. So for all you players out there, you just gained a free upgrade of 10% ;).

The price and maximum of the upgrade remained the same (2500XP, Level 10). So you can go to 200% warehouse size, which is 1000 CBM per warehouse.

zillapup  13 January at 13:17
Good job.
KingIsulgard  14 January at 16:25
Thanks :)


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