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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 19 Dec 2011 12:32
Some small tweaks

The lay out has been optimized for small browsing. You can now scroll left and right when the window is smaller. Also I have introduced smarter links for pages with multiple "tabs" like tutorial page, news page or messages page.

CovertOddity2  23 December at 2:33
I really like it. It displays nicely on my tablet, which is great. The only negative thing is that the icons for storage, market, etc. are rather hard to click when browsing from a tablet (the icons are rather small). All in all you did terrific job on the layout.
KingIsulgard  24 December at 12:13
Yes I noticed that too when I used my iPad. It's hard, not impossible. I'll try to figure something out.


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