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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Tue 15 Nov 2011 12:14
Improved security

The security system has been improved. All users have been given a new password.

View all 11 comments
Mister_Cash  19 November at 20:55
XD mate i dont see a problem, and why would u ever complain that u DONT have taxes its sound like you want to
and gruntmas is right ITS A GAME
KingIsulgard  20 November at 15:29
Well we lost him :). Too bad, he was doing very well.
Anyway basho, I do everything I can to make this game as realistic as possible, but you have to understand that at some point you have to draw a line and say, this is as detailed I can go.
KingIsulgard  20 November at 15:30
Making it more realistic would just make this game unplayable, if it gets too hard people would stop playing. This is a game people of all ages should be able to enjoy.
gruntmas  20 November at 21:21
Jup if it was too realistic their would be an economic crisis and we would have to fire our employees not hire them !


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