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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 17 Oct 2011 0:23
Increased experience

Increased experience from 5 to 10 XP per turn.

View all 9 comments
KingIsulgard  17 October at 14:52
Increased xp production to 25 XP per turn
Wildjap  17 October at 16:03
Yay :)
Wildjap  17 October at 16:06
Can you please add 15 XP to everyone's accounts, it just makes the numbers more friendly. So it will go from like 100, 125, 150. At the moment it's like 85, 110,135. Not very nice numbers. Im not sure if it's the same for everyone but that's how it's like for me.
KingIsulgard  17 October at 21:09
It's different for everyone...


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