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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 13 Oct 2011 16:55
Shoutbox improvements

Shoutbox has had a few improvements. Do you guys like it? I'm sure I do!

- Show user avatar instead of user names
- Grouped messages of the same user
- Elegant hour on the right
- Improved to be working in all browsers (reply on this if it doesn't)
- Added the option to go full screen
- More shouts of the past will be shown (increased from last 50 to last 100 shouts)

Snackmouse  14 October at 4:14
when i click on the pictures on the market page of rubber aluminium and solar panels, if i have over 1 mil it shows as 1E+6, i can still sell but it doesnt show me how much it is worth. Not a big deal just a minor bug.
KingIsulgard  15 October at 11:25
Javascript is writing it in scientific notation I guess, I'll try to figure out how I can prevent this in the future.
KingIsulgard  05 January at 12:38
Check the shoutbox!


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