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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Tue 6 Sep 2011 22:31
Improved the messaging system

I've improved the messaging system. It's more safe, faster and less bugged.

The only downside is, I had to delete all messages. Anyway, I'm finally done with my streamlining so I can start developing those new features I had in mind.

View all 15 comments
KingIsulgard  19 September at 10:40
Welcome back 9313 :)
Wildjap  21 September at 16:31
What new features, may i ask, do you have in mind? The messaging system is quite good at the moment :), i don't really see how it could be improved!
KingIsulgard  21 September at 19:03
The messaging system is perfect ^^. I might add some kind of little forum. A micro forum, would have the same design as this news system, but I'm not sure. The real features I'm working on are gameplay related.
Wildjap  21 September at 19:14
Okay, it would be really nice though to have a page where we can see all the things you are working on and be able to make comments or votes on.


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