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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 5 Sep 2011 13:06
Tax brackets increased

I have increased the taxation brackets. This will lower taxes a lot.

kevin_vl  05 September at 13:17
Nice! :)
Angelina  05 September at 13:52
encountered problems with taxes as well like justnothin- the tax seems too high when all i got are bonds?
KingIsulgard  05 September at 14:24
Yes but on the other hand, people who had bonds have "lost" their loan, I think that quite evens out.
Angelina  05 September at 14:42
I did not notice that yes I don't have loans now.
kevin_vl  05 September at 15:51
Ah, that's why they all gain so much places in the rankings :)


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