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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 5 Sep 2011 12:12
Turns back

The turns should be back up and running. There was a minor bug which caused the production to fail. *Shame*

View all 7 comments
KingIsulgard  05 September at 21:03
Doing my best, I'm constantly working on it the last few days ;).
fanty  06 September at 1:41
ok ;)
Anasky  18 September at 13:07
I think the distribution manager doesn't work.
I hired her just now, and still have to pay a 30% transport fee when buying, and a 3% when selling.
KingIsulgard  18 September at 14:39
No, she does work, but I have to admit that the calculator at the bottom of the market is off. I'll work on it to make this more accurate. But the actual purchase is 0.5%. Try buying 100 coals, you can see it's the correct price.


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