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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sun 4 Sep 2011 15:53
Streamlining code

I'm streamlining the code for the Database Access Object. This also entails database changes. If you encounter any bugs, please notify me ASAP.

View all 9 comments
kevin_vl  05 September at 10:22
'vote for us' is on the bottom of the page! No production, now I've got -139k :p
kevin_vl  05 September at 10:24
oh, and my XP hasn't raised either since yesterday, so I'm guessing there aren't any updates going on :)
justnothin  05 September at 12:08
What did just happen?
Suddenly my cash was -15000 and I could claim a gift and vote again?
But I don't pay taxes and my daily expense is only 8250
KingIsulgard  05 September at 12:39
I tested all update scripts to check if they were working.


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