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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 20 Aug 2011 10:19
Longer rounds

I noticed most people want longer rounds. At the moment a round last 6 weeks. How long do you want it to take? 8 weeks (2 months)? 12 weeks (3 months)? or even longer?

Let us know what you think in the comment area below.

View all 9 comments
James161820  20 August at 16:43
yeah i know but when i sell like 200.000$ cant rely tern that back around to cheat the tax
KingIsulgard  21 August at 0:09
I will see what I can do about taxes. But it isn't a priority for now. It's a way to keep top players down.

So that way, new players have a chance to catch in on them.

I already rebalanced all the existing sectors, they now all have the same ROI and make more profit. Hiring staff will now also affect your profits more.

Many new sectors and goods will be introduced as well.
James161820  21 August at 0:37
yeah i see the point of the high taxis
and if there are gonna be a few more sectors should we be aloud to have more then 4 as well????/
KingIsulgard  21 August at 13:02
For the moment: no. But I might change it during the next round.


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