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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 14 Jul 2011 19:12
Renaming sectors

I'm busy renaming the sectors now that products and sectors have been separated. For example, a power plant produces energy. No longer the "energy" sector which makes "energy" goods.

If you have any suggestions for better naming let me know.

View all 6 comments
KingIsulgard  16 July at 15:04
Silicon isn't really mined most of the time but mostly created by burning coal and stuff.
Denille  18 July at 7:03
Prices don't show when buying/selling stuff in market
KingIsulgard  18 July at 9:29
@Denille: you mean the hint text right above the buttons? Right I'll look into it.
DrahciiiRek  18 July at 10:58
I'm having troubles with buying and selling Gears at the market, it says "Please specify a positive amount" regardless of the number I enter :D :/


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