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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Mon 13 Jun 2011 14:14
Increase loan

You are now able to increase your loan when it's still open!

DrahciiiRek  14 June at 10:30
cool =)
KingIsulgard  14 June at 11:50
Yeah some people asked me several times and yesterday I needed it myself so I added it ^^.
KingIsulgard  16 June at 17:35
Oh man, I got this major loan which is killing me! :(
DrahciiiRek  16 June at 19:17
:D it's better to take a loan just when you're sure it will pay off :)
KingIsulgard  16 June at 19:45
Well it does, but I need to postpone the back payment because I need more storages, so the 8k interest everyday is really killing me. :)


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