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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Thu 28 Apr 2011 13:32
Upgrade office level

From now on you can upgrade your office level and thus increasing the number of staff members you can hire.

I've removed everyones staff to make it fair so you'll have to rehire ;).

DrahciiiRek  28 April at 13:49
aaaa I wondered where had my lobbyist gone :D
bablo  28 April at 14:44
bad idea!it makes no sense and it is not real
DrahciiiRek  28 April at 15:37
maybe these changes could be announced before they are implemented and they could be introduced when a new round begins, not when round is in progress :)
KingIsulgard  28 April at 15:41
I'm trying to abolish all limitations in this game, but also want to stop the players from activating all options at once, therefore I use the XP. And it's a small adaption so not really that important waiting for.

The round will take long enough since I'm going to extend it with another 2 weeks.

The real changes I'm keeping for the new round ;). You'll be suprised because it's a big one!
DrahciiiRek  28 April at 15:49
WOW :D great, I'm looking forward to the new round :D


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