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Businessgame news
By KingIsulgard, Sat 11 Dec 2010 22:00
Bonds are here

You are now able to hold bonds. When a bond get issued the issuer is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) and/or to repay the nominal value at a later date, defined by the termed maturity, to the holder. Thus the bond is like a reversed loan.

At the moment, there are three types of bonds available:
- a fixed rate bond, with a fixed interest of 6% and a nominal pay out of 90%
- a perpetual bond, which has no maturity date (goes on forever) with an interest rate of 5%
- a zero-coupon bond, with no interest but a nominal pay out of 125%

Also, I have increased the loan interest to 5% because it wouldn't make any sense if the bank would loan money for a higher interest than it lends


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